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Olivia King Dale


Olivia King Dale
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This is my page dedicated to the character Olivia King Dale. She was the youngest child among the King adults. She lived her entire life with her older sister Hetty King until she married Jasper Dale. While living with Hetty her brother Alec & his wife Janet & their children Felicilty & Felix & Cecily & baby Daniel lived next door on King Farm. Hetty & she took in their sister's Ruth King Stanley's daughter Sara when her father Blair Stanley was under house attrest. Andrew King went to live on King farm while her other brother Roger King was discovering things in South America. For most of her life, Olivia allowed Hetty to run her life. When she wrote the poem "Season End" & when she overheard Hetty telling Janet that she doesn't have the "King get~up~and~go" Olivia decided it was time to take charge of her life; so she anwsered an add in the "Avonlea Distanct Chronicle" for a reporter. With the help of Jasper Dale the local hermit Olivia got the job. Hetty had to admit that Olivia got the "King get~up~and~got" in her. When Jasper & Olivia got enganged they went threw the typical engament couples trouble. When Jasper overhead the ladies of the town talking about how "odd" it was for Olivia to settle for him when she could have had Edwin Clark; he felt he better back off. When he backed off Olivia felt hurt & confused. But when the "Chronicle" got bungled she felt that it was her fault because she was always taking things head on & she felt that with Jasper needing peace & quite she felt that she was over exciting him & that is why he is backing away from him. With the help of "Madame X" {Sara & Felicilty} Jasper & Olivia finally have a heart to heart talk & they realized that it didn't matter what the town tought of their match. All that mattered was that they loved each other & need each other.

Keep checking back here on more of Olivia.

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